Niels Lan Doky, The Standard…and all that jazz!

I had the pleasure of meeting the amazing and talented jazz pianist Niels Lan Doky on a shoot for Copenhagen Food magazine last month. Niels is one of the partners (Claus Meyer is another), in a new jazz restaurant The Standard Copenhagen which opens this week.

In fact, The Standard contains three different restaurants including modern Danish food in Almanak, contemporary indian in Verandah and new nordic cuisine in Torsten Vildgaard’s Studio. You can choose to dine, or watch a performance in the jazz club (where you might catch Niels from time to time), or buy a ticket to combine the two. I’m lucky enough to have been invited to an opening reception there tonight, and can’t wait!…it seems to set to become a new landmark on the Copenhagen dining and social scene.


Read the interview with Niels in the current issue of Copenhagen Food, out now.

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